CST is done on a massage table, fully clothed, with shoes removed
You'll lie on your back most of the session, unless otherwise indicated
CST is a whole body healing practice, work will be done from head to toe
Typically sessions begin at the feet and continue depending on where the body needs attention
Gentle touch and holds are used to sense and release energy blocks and physical tension
Clients typically experience very deep relaxation and feel they are in a meditative or lucid dream state, often clients fall asleep at certain points in the session
Occasionally emotional release or strong physical sensations may occur during a session, while this can be an intense experience, your therapist will guide you through and ensure you are taken care of. Remember the body and mind only releases what it is ready and able to handle
Sessions can be done in silence or while talking through your experiences with your therapist. Dialouge can be very effective in exploring the body and finding the root of pain and discomfort, that physical bodywork alone cannot access
In the following 24-72 hours after your session, be sure to stay hydrated and notice any differences in the body, mood, sleep etc...check in with your therapist to report how you are feeling
Typically clients feel a deep sense of calm after sessions, which may last for a few days or longer.
Physical tension is often greatly relieved after just one session. However, it may take a few sessions to reach a clients wellness goals, depending on how how pervasive pain, tension and discomfort reside